Thursday, March 6, 2008

Cry Havoc, Please!

I just don't get it. Especially after seeing Tuesday's primary results, I am even more confounded. This truly is the election that won't die! I asked in my last entry if Obama would strike while Clinton was ready to fall. The answer? An infallible no! It would appear as though Obama really is a lolligager who can't come up with the right formula to deliver a game-ending shot. Instead, it was Hillary Clinton who delivered the precise blow. Back-room deals with Canada, unanswered questions about slumlords seems to have rocked Barack Obama from his hope pedestal. It would appear as though both candidates are ready for a romp in the mud. Indeed, if Obama wants to survive and win this nomination, he has little choice.

What I don't understand is that I, as a relative policital neophyte, see glaring omissions or inconsistencies in Clinton's arguments for her presidency. Why doesn't everyone else? It seems the media broadcasts these concerns hourly, yet no one hears. Am I just taking crazy pills, or has the world gone topsy-turvy? Number one, what experience is this that she is flaunting so wildly? She is in her second term as a junior senator from New York. That is her only elected position! Experience? I'm sorry, but First Lady does not count. You had sex with the President, fantastic. Apparently, so did a few other ladies (allegedly). Number two, she's horribly inconsistent with her message. Now she's against NAFTA? Come on everybody, let's take a timeout from trade? What does that even mean? I thought it was abundantly clear in her book that it was a 'great success,' what gives? Lastly, she is about as transparent as a lump of coal. Her income, or more accurately her sources of income have become a state secret. One of the themes of this election has been a movement toward government accountability, and that begins with transparency.

Last I checked Obama is from the Chicago school of politics, which I read today handles politics 'with a crowbar.' It would behoove Mr. Obama to break this woman down, now that he has been struck with the proverbial kitchen sink. I'm sorry, but now's the time to expose Hillary Clinton for the ever-shifter that she is. To do otherwise would be to let this country slip back into business as usual, extinguishing any hope of a better future.

1 comment:

Shaw Girl said...

Wait...are you trying to say that Hillary and Bill had sex while he was president?!?!?!?

Seriously though, I think the public is getting primary fatigue and the Dems are just giving McCain extra time to establish his platform and solidify his base...Great new layout, by the way!