Monday, January 28, 2008

Crack to Chasms

It seems for years the Democrats have been impotent in the face of the Republican movement. Since Bill Clinton left office in January 2001, it seems like the Democratic party has lost its identity, momentum and general reputation in the United States. Every time I would see a fight along party lines, for example immigration, the Democrats couldn't muster the alliances needed to pass legislation in this bargaining political body. I personally couldn't figure out the reason, but I think this primary season is magnifying the reason why the Democrats have been so impotent.

As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton exchange barbs for votes, a terrible crack in the Democratic party is showing like it never has before. With Obama and Clinton nearly neck-and-neck in this primary race, a cleave in the party is exposed and may end up costing the Democratic Party a presidential election if they're not careful. With such a tight race, emotions are naturally high. If the Democrats continue this infighting, the crack will change into a chasm. If enough feelings are hurt by the time of nomination, the Democratic party will have a problem.

Let's say for example, Hillary Clinton wins a close Democratic party nomination, and the Obama followers lose bitterly, they may boycott the polls. It's happened before, it can happen again. If Obama or Clinton followers were to not vote in protest, which is possible, it would likely cost the Democratic Party the presidential election and cause much future strife. If you're hoping for a Democrat in 2008, you better hope that one candidate separates him or herself enough to be able to make peace with the other side. If the nomination continues to be a close race, the Democratic party will have some issues to resolve before they can unify and run for the Presidency.

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